It is a minimally invasive, percutaneous procedure that can treat lumbar, thoracic and cervical (except for the T1-T5 segment) disc hernias by introducing a thin 18/20 G needle into the area of interest, which must gradually reach the centre of the nucleus pulposus.
A slender, thin fiber, less than half a millimeter in size, comes into contact with the nucleus pulposus through the needle. Laser light is consequently emitted which leads to the vaporisation (water absorption) of part of the nucleus pulposus, thereby reducing pressure inside the discs and on the spinal nerve, achieving an immediate improvement in symptoms.
No, the procedure is not painful as it is performed under local anaesthesia.
The procedure lasts for around 15-20 minutes.
No scars as the procedure is performed via a spinal injection using a very thin needle.
Resumption of activities of daily living is immediate, as only two hours of rest are needed for both lumbar and cervical procedures.
There is immediate pain relief.
Yes, it is possible to simultaneously treat multiple hernias.
The results have proved negative for extruded discs, migrated discs and in cases of degenerated black discs.
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