What are the advantages of the diode laser in the otolaryngological field?
The laser ensures excellent vaporization and high precision cutting/coagulation.
The laser beam is transmitted on the surgical field in two ways depending on the type of application:
- no contact, with photothermolytic selectivity on the hyperchromic tissues preserving the surrounding healthy tissue
- contact, through flexible optical fibers with a size between 200 and 1000 microns. This feature can also be used in an endoscopic environment, regardless of the type of endoscope used.
What are the diode laser applications in ENT?
- Melanocytic nevus
- Neoformations
- Tympanolysis
Outer ear:
Oral Cavity:
- Hemiglossectomy for excision from tongue body
- Labiogingival neoformations
- Gingival fibroma
- Tonsillectomy
- Uvulopalatoplasty
- Fibrosarcoma of the larynx and hypopharynx
- Neoformations in the epiglottis
- Laryngeal diaphragms
- Tracheal peristomal granulations
- Tracheal granulations
- Benign and malignant neoformations of the nose and outer ear
- Functional surgery of the turbinate bones
- Hypertrophy of the turbinate bones
- Nasal polyps
- Ear canal membrane diaphragms
- Rhoncopathies (remodelling of the tissue to stop snoring)
- Chronic sinusitis