In the urology field, the laser is particularly used in benign prostatic hypertrophy therapy. Its use for LTA - Laser Thermal Ablation - is proving to be a valid alternative to standard techniques such as transvesical prostatic adenomectomy and trans-urethral endoscopic resection (TURP).
It can also treat condylomas, papillomas and neoplasms in the urology field.
By passing the laser beam through specific optical fibers, the treatment can create foci for glandular endoprostatic denaturation.
The repair process leads to a volumetric reduction of the gland with normalization of intraprostatic urethral meatus. Like any other surgical procedure, this is followed by one week of catheterization.
Diode laser photoinhibition of the scar tissue is effective in IPP (Induratio Penis Plastica) treatments and in cases of penile curvatures resulting from scar tissue repair processes of cavernous tissue.
Photoinhibition of the scar tissue growth factors allows the fibrotic plaque to be partially reabsorbed and thus helps improve the disease without surgery.
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