CO2 Captain

CO2CAPTAIN is a portable medical device used to release carbon dioxide (CO2) for medical purposes in hospitals or medical pratices.
CO2CAPTAIN is used to release cheap, portable and safe CO2 gas for general medical purposes.
CO2CAPTAIN uses disposable CO2 refills. Every refill contains more than 20.000ml of pure medical CO2. CO2CAPTAIN is a portable device. Neither external power supply nor big bottles are needed. It has an internal regulator with solenoid and an internal battery. It is undoubtedly the most practical, cheap and reliable portable device for CO2 releasing.
Hospitals have been experiencing the advantages of CO2 for treatments and diagnostics for many years, today thanks to CO2CAPTAIN even GPs can easily use it in his/her office without facing any problems in refilling big and dangerous bottles. Thanks to CO2CAPTAIN you only need a simple finger click to get immediately pure medical CO2.
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