DLT - Defocused Laser Therapy - is realized with LASEmaR® by using Multy-Therapy handpiece which allows very powerful irradiation on large surfaces with consequent reduction in duration and number of sessions.
The advantage of laser therapy, managed by pre-set software LASEmaR®, is the immediate activation of lymphocytes, fibroblasts, proliferation of factors of endothelial-collagen growth and cytokines TIM inhibiting metalloproteases with acceleration of phlogistic and traumatic reabsorption as well as lesion granulation.
Therefore, time of healing is reduced by 50% with an evident benefit in remodeling the connective tissue.
The intelligent software of LASEmaR® developed by Eufoton® assures the exact dosage of radiation resulting in photostimulating and cicatricial effects, as it uses the adequate parameters to avoid phenomena of overdose which can burn, worsen edemas, inhibit the factors of growth and, therefore, the healing.
It is recognized as one of the best indications of the EVLA because of its mini-invasivness ant the limited risk of spreading potential infections.
LASEmaR® 800 - Wound Healing Photobiomodulation and Debridement
Courtesy of M. Fonti MD
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