

The past: traditional debridement
The rough and painful old-fashioned surgical cleansing with forceps, scissors, knives and scoop make the lesions bleed, even massively, when any velar varices are damaged. This unpleasant practice scares patients and that is why they reject further courettage. Daily decontamination should be associated to cleansing which is obtained with acid, chlore-oxidizing, surfactant or metallic agents. These products can have toxic, dyeing and sensitizing effects. In some cases surgical pack and the institution of a specific therapy are required. Latrogenic complications can extend cures and discomfort for patients.

Photodynamic cleansing (debridement) laser scanner assisted

The cleansing-decontamination of the varicose ulcers and sores, in general, by the use of photodynamic therapy with SCANNEmaR allows to obtain interesting results of debridement in a painless way by using photosensitizing solutions activated by low-power/high-fluence laser ray. With rotative mirror scanning system SCANNEmaR, the infrared laser ray activates the photosensitizing solution without having any contact with the lesion at 1200 rotation/minute, which is painless for the patient.
For vulnological purposes it is possible the scanner fractional technology Lightscan™.
The result is a cytotoxic action on bacterial films and, simultaneously, a synergy by fibroblast stimulation which accelerate the healing.
  • quick performance;
  • uniform abrasion;
  • no contact, sensitization, bleeding, pain, reduced dressings and related social costs.


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    Vulnological photobiomodulation  - Wound healing Laser

    DLT - Defocused Laser Therapy - is realized with LASEmaR® by using Multy-Therapy handpiece which allows very powerful irradiation on large surfaces with consequent reduction in duration and number of sessions. 

    The advantage of laser therapy, managed by pre-set software LASEmaR®, is the immediate activation of lymphocytes, fibroblasts, proliferation of factors of endothelial-collagen growth and cytokines TIM inhibiting metalloproteases with acceleration of phlogistic and traumatic reabsorption as well as lesion granulation. 
    Therefore, time of healing is reduced by 50% with an evident benefit in remodeling the connective tissue.

    The intelligent software of LASEmaR® developed by Eufoton® assures the exact dosage of radiation resulting in photostimulating and cicatricial effects, as it uses the adequate parameters to avoid phenomena of overdose which can burn, worsen edemas, inhibit the factors of growth and, therefore, the healing. 

    Endolaser treatment of periulcerose varices

    It is recognized as one of the best indications of the EVLA because of its mini-invasivness ant the limited risk of spreading potential infections.

    LASEmaR® 800 - Wound Healing Photobiomodulation and Debridement


    Courtesy of M. Fonti MD

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